Articles about Drupal and All Things Web

how to write a user story

Why are user stories important?

But what if tell you that the developer should be among those in charge of writing specs? Let's look closer at the popular Agile method called "user stories"
Cost to develop a Drupal website in 2021

How much does it cost to make a website with Drupal?

If you are planning to create a website, you will have a lot of questions, and the main one is the website cost. The cost depends on a few things. The first and most important is what kind of website you want to create. In this article, we will talk about how much it costs to create a website and also try to help you to assess the cost of developing your website.
React.js components

What are React.js components?

React follows the principles of component-oriented programming that added the notion of component — a reusable part of code — to the developers’ vocabulary. The high speed of development on React the React is favored for is based exactly on the components.

What React is and how it can cut the cost of website development

For years React.js has been one of the most popular and efficient tools used for complex web interfaces development. In this post, we are going to tell you – briefly and almost without using any intricate concepts – about React, the way it appeared and the benefits it offers for a business and contractor’s team.